Tattooing involves piercing the skin with a needle and colouring it with some pigments to make designs on the body. Body parts that are commonly tattooed include hands, arms, fall, nape of the neck, stomach, back and legs.

Tattoos have been a part of Indian culture for a very long time. Indian tribes have traditionally had their bodies tattooed for a variety of reasons like identification, as a symbol of pride or as a means of sharing their tribe's legends and beliefs.

People have made this into a profession, hobby as well as world records. For instance, the Guinness book of world records has created an award for having the most tattoos.

Having tattoos or getting tattoos is also commonly known as getting “inked” or getting 'tatts'. People see this as a form of expression, which permanently leaves a mark on their body.

Tattoos are perceived in many ways. For the youth, it is part of being 'cool'. For others, it is the same as making a fashion statement. Some also consider tattoos to be a status symbol.

Given the growing population of tattoos, it is important to consider the cons of getting inked. Needles that have not been sterilized can lead to people having infected by many serious diseases, including aids. The pain that an individual has to undergo while getting a tattoo done is also considerable. Also, tattoos are more or less permanent and if the art does not turn out as expected, there is very little one can do to 'erase' it.

People earlier avoided getting tattoos because they were permanent, but with technological advancements there are proper procedures of getting tattoos removed. And to ensure safety from getting hepatitis, nowadays most tattoo parlors use hygienic tools and needles. Thus, tattoos are trending.

-Gunavardhan Reddy (MEC)

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