Is democracy in danger ?

Is democracy in danger ?

Research indicates that 90% of a child's brain is developed by the age of 7. This development includes the perceptions, personality traits, communication styles, and the various other filters through which we process the world. Spectacularly, all of this development also does something really fantastic – it makes each one of us unique!

Another brilliant finding is that during Adolescence – the age between 13 to 19 years – this uniqueness advances in two amazing ways. One, the brain starts cutting out all the stuff we don't give time to; and two, it starts building stronger connections with the stuff we give time to.

As adults, it is our responsibility to understand and respect this uniqueness. We can aid the process of development in young adults by being more allowing, patient, compassionate, kind, logical, reasonable, and non-judgmental.

Understandably, this is tough! However, being an adult encompasses the ability to take on tough jobs. We have to understand that by focusing on the key areas of development in Children and Adolescents, we can help them learn the skills necessary to face life's challenges.

Again, research in Psychology helps here too. It has identified the key areas of development that need focus: Self, Emotional, Social, Physical and Cognitive. Perhaps, it is time that we, as adults, pause to think and reflect on the choices we make, in the interest of our future generations.

More in the next newsletter! Until then, I leave you with a quote: “Kids don't remember what you teach them; they learn from what you are!”

-Ron Fernandes, Personal Excellence Coach

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